Cante Tenza Okolakiciye – Strong Heart Warrior Society
Free & Independent Lakota Nation
Box 512, Hill City, South Dakota 57747
Cante Tenza Okolakiciye , the Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Lakota Oyate, an ancient Lakota warrior society and a broad-based civil rights movement is calling for all US politicians,Governmental Offices & Organizations, Tribal Councils and All People Of Good Conscious to Step Forward and Assist Cante Tenza in our efforts to rid our Reservations begining with Pine Ridge in breaking the Strangle Hold and bring a end to Alcohol & other illegal drugs as well as the corruption & greed with- in our own Tribal Governments that are killing a Nation.
The latest out-rage occurred on March 8th,only three days after the New York Times published a article “A Tribe Confronts Its Neighbor Over Liquor”
Louis Janis,51 of Pine Ridge was one of the people featured in this Article,
On Thursday after calling for medical assistance for his wife, he was attacked and pushed from the porch of his home,Tazzed & beaten by Tribal BIA Police.
No Medical Response was sent for his wife, she followed her husband through a ride provided by local community members to the Hospital. Her Injury had been a result of a relative of a current Council Member attacking her with-in her own home.
Mr Janis has been cited with four charges including Assault on a Police Officer (the one He landed on when he was pushed off his porch by members of the Tribal Police.) He was allowed to return to his home Thursday evening.
For more information on this on-going epidemic and how you can help Stop it For-ever
Please Contact: Duane Martin Sr. (Canupa Gluha Mani)The Headman of Cante Tenza at
Cante Tenza Okolakiciye also known as the Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation is an ancient Lakota warrior society as well as a broad-based civil rights movement that works to protect, enforce and restore treaty rights, civil rights, and sovereignty of Native people and their communities across Turtle Island. In addition to activist efforts to protect the land and people, each year Cante Tenza collects and freely distributes shoes, winter coats, school supplies, food, and other support to Oglala Lakota elders, children and families.“Lakota Oyate” on Facebook. | www.lakotaoyate.net | @CanteTenza on Twitter
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